How to store and hand a Smile Rose


How to store and hand a Smile Rose

When you receive your roses it is vital to learn the giving/handing process :)
Our advice is to proceed as follows:

Store some roses everywhere
Store some roses everywhere

Find a pocket which provides easy access to your roses at any time. Place them with the rose heads pointing down.
In this way you will prevent the sharp end injuring. Any other location is good, your bag, your home/office/car
(it is an interactive decoration too) especially if it keeps you aware of the rose and the joy of giving.

Handle with care and affection
How to hold, position the leaf, and straighten a rose
How to hold, position the leaf, and straighten a rose

When you wish to hand a rose to someone, first get their attention, and then use (preferably) your right hand.
Take one rose slowly out of the pocket and get it in an upright position (corolla up),
then open the leaf with your other hand (to about 45° level) and straighten the flower.

Win a Smile
Handling the Roses - Use calm natural motions
Use calm natural motions (we suggest that you show the preparation activity openly but hiding these steps works too).
When you have the intended recipient’s attention, make eye contact and forward the rose with a smile!
Quite often, you then share with the other person a great happy moment.

Handling the Roses - Please bend to protect children!!!
Please bend to protect children!!!

Hint - Recipients first reaction is usually a big smile.
But quite a few lift the rose and try to smell it as well!
You are welcome to apply any fragrance you like to the Smile Rose, we leave this to your discretion.

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How to fold the cardboard vase

How to fold the cardboard vase

Included with the Roses you may receive unfolded cardboard vases.
In order to assemble your cardboard vase, we suggest you watch the short video and/or follow the illustrations. :)

The unfolded recycled cardboard vase
1. The unfolded cardboard vase
Step 1: bend the vase’s bottom towards the inner side
2. Turn it over and bend the lower flap upwards
Step 2: fold the vase’s back over the front
3. Fold the left hand section towards the center part
Step 3: insert the reed into the twin slots
4. Insert the tab into the 1st slot and out of the 2nd slot
Step 4: fold the vase’s leg 3 times
5. Fold the right section 3 times
Step 5: insert the end reed into the vase’s bottom slot
6. Put the small tab into the slot
Your vase is now ready to be used
7. Voila - that’s it!
Insert some roses and place the vase at a visible spot
8. Put some Roses inside and display anywhere

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Peace begins with a smile. Mother Teresa.

Sam s

Sam Rosen  1951-2021

In memory of our close beloved friend Sam, a great fan & activist of the Smile Rose idea.
Sam was part of our life path, this website - creation team & a great happiness spreader.
Thank you for being in our lives as a symbol of positive life, enthusiasm and kind vigour, for shaking things up and for being different.
We’ll always love & keep you in our hearts.

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